Meet Your Compassionate but Accountable Self-Care Mindset Coach, Allison.

I help women and caregivers who face the challenge of caring for themselves by putting themselves first.

If you are looking for a way to create strong boundaries while letting go of shame, and guilt, then let’s connect!


Allison Masterson holding a welcome sign in front of brick wall.

Your Guided Journey Starts Here

Welcome! I’m Allison, Owner/Operator of Masterson Massage Therapy and Your Guide to Self-Care Mindset Transformation.

I am so excited about helping you, the caregiver, the matriarch, the one everyone turns to, the nurturing soul, the woman who loves to help others.

I can help you find the confidence to honor your healthy boundaries, re-fill your cup of joy quicker, and finally put your self-care first.

This will help you live more presently, sleep more soundly, keep loving yourself, and do what you do, which is caring.

I know all too well the empty feelings from caregiver burnout and how easy it can be to let your boundaries slide to help others before caring for yourself.

The stories we tell ourselves about how we should feel guilty for tending to ourselves, or how we don’t have time for ourselves, or that we can only get the help we need if we are prescribed it… the list goes on.

And these stories steal the joyful life we were meant to live.

But the good news is this — I can help you leave all those stories behind.

When we work together, you’ll develop a self-care plan that grows with you as you journey along life’s peaks and valleys because the more stress you experience, the more self-care you need to be at your most fulfilled.

Whether you want to boost your self-esteem and feel confident about making the right decisions or enjoy the benefits of a well-balanced life by maintaining more appropriate boundaries, I’m here to help you make it happen!

Judgment? No, we don’t do that here, so you won’t have to worry about showing all your cards.

Let’s connect. Book a free Discovery Call to get started.

— Allison

My Qualifications

I value learning as it allows me to become an asset to my clients’ needs.

Here is a short but ever-growing list of my certifications.

Allison Masterson with glasses on with a funny face on.

What our Raving Fans are saying…

“Allison was very calming & definitely listened to my specific needs. I have seen several Massage Therapists over the years and she is top notch. Very relaxing environment.”

Heidi C.

“I have recommended Allison to a number of people after my first visit. My visits are very effective and informative. She is knowledgeable and shares her knowledge readily. It's clear she is very passionate about her work. I felt relief in my trouble areas and she really listens. Allison is my new favorite find and I highly suggest her to anyone wanting to improve their path to wellness.”

— Sherrie R.

“Ladies, if you are in need of some self-care, I can't express enough the wonderful experiences awaiting you at Masterson Massage! I've been going for about a year and it is now part of my healthcare routine. I was happy to have my first visit with Jade this week. She was incredible! She has the knack of finding the areas that holds your stress (mine are neck and shoulders) and melt them away! Her intuitive approach is second to none when it comes to finding areas that are giving me pain. I can't express how grateful I am for finding such a great service close to home and highly suggest you give Masterson Massage a will not be disappointed!”

— Carmen M.

2 Ways We Can Work Together

  • Massage Tailored to You with Masterson Massage Therapy

    Your body is the vessel that lets you experience your world.

    Often, we experience added stress through our physical activities, but what about those unsavory emotions?

    Yup, your body finds a way of trying to protect you from all those feelings by burying them into those tense areas of the head, neck, shoulders, and hips — increasing your physical pain, mental fatigue, and stress-induced illnesses.

    But through the power of therapeutic massage, the body reduces the heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol allowing your body to finally let go.

    We use several different massage techniques throughout your massage experience to release both physical and emotional stress, leaving you feeling lighter and more mobile.

  • Self-Care Mindset Coaching with Allison

    Many psychologists believe that our core beliefs are developed during the events that take place between ages 0 and 7.

    Does this sound familiar to you?

    “I have always been a worry wart.”

    “I have a hard time letting go of control.”

    “I feel guilty for taking time for myself.”

    “I fear I’m not living up to my loved ones’ expectations.”

    “I don’t know why I am having anxiety now when nothing ever bothered me before.”

    Together, we will journey back using a series of formulated questions to weed out false truths and replace them with empowering beliefs that will serve you better.

Allison Masterson holding an empty cup with a worried look on.

My Journey as the Selfless Caregiver

What if we got merit badges as we wandered through this journey of life?

We could put them on a sash and wear them to make our story more easily known to those who may be looking for guidance from someone who has already walked through this forest before.

I know it would have helped to make my journey easier, and I hope by sharing my trail markers it will help bring comfort to you in your journey because we are all in this together.

I came from a pretty standard Lutheran aka “Catholic Light” household with the respective 2.5 kids — I assumed my sister absorbed the .5 because she is taller than me — I’m the oldest, but with a lot more flare for adventure.

I have a wild imagination, spent my childhood summers outside till dusk working on my skills to be in the X Games, because you weren’t cool if you weren’t “Extreme.” So I couldn’t understand why my parents wanted me to play it safe.

Safe? What was safe?

Safe doesn’t mean easy…

Apparently I was expected to get a college degree in a safe career field so I could take care of myself and eventually a little family with 2.5 kiddos, and then retire from that safe job. Simple right?

If it was that simple, then where would all the learning or growth come from?

But everyone else was doing the safe thing so I did too and went to college finally after losing my great debate about becoming a Stand-Up Comedian or Truck Driver.

I ended up choosing a field in healthcare as a Radiation Therapist, simply by default because it didn’t have as much to do with needles, but a lot to do with science, using MacGyver skills, and it was conducive to that 9-5 Monday-Friday pace everyone back home knew was safe, and loved.

The fact that I was awesome at empathizing, making my patients feel human by really listening to their stories, offering a comforting shoulder to lean on, and keeping folks calm in high-stress situations in a stressful environment was a hidden talent that was the icing on the cake.

What they don’t tell you when you sign up for a healthcare career is that you will become a lifelong caregiver to coworkers, clients, friends, and family.

You’re the one that everyone turns to when shit hits the fan.

Maybe you were never in the healthcare arena, but you are always the one who takes on the responsibility of keeping the boat from veering off course or from being taken over by mutineers, a.k.a. kids.

You are the matriarch that holds it all together professionally and socially.

It feels noble, fulfilling, and nice to be needed, and everyone can count on you — but YOU.

In fact, as nurturers, it is our natural habit to give more than we take, to help when no one is looking, and to extend ourselves for the greater good.

What I didn’t realize until it was too late was that my own mind, body, and soul got drained more than I could recoup, which led to compassion fatigue, anxiety, and illness.

I was never taught to set healthy boundaries or that it was okay to take care of my own well-being, both mentally and physically, first.

I didn’t know how to maintain the balance I needed, so I could be the vibrant woman, supportive spouse, patient mom, fun friend, or positive coworker I wanted to be.

My Self-Care Journey

Nothing brings life full circle quicker than working with folks facing death on a daily basis other than having your own significant loved one pass, for me it was my mom.

The events in my life have been one change after the next, like going through a divorce with small kids, trying to co-parent, remarrying, experiencing role reversal with parents and in-laws, or leaving a safe job to venture out on my own as an entrepreneur.

The funny thing about life is that it is always constantly changing, and playing it safe in an environment of change really made it a struggle between what I thought and what was.

Trust me, wading through those heavy moments of change, I felt it all from scary, awkward, painful, and exciting.

Change brings up triggers or feelings we never knew were there, or thought were long gone.

For me, I had panic attacks, IBS, depression, self-doubt, and anxiety, and I was always waiting for the next shoe to drop.

It was always interesting how my body would react differently to different mental stressors.

I always noticed it with my patients too.

If they had a great mindset, they would go through treatments almost seamlessly, whereas the opposite was true. If they had a negative outlook, they had every single side effect.

Every event in my life has led me to expand my knowledge about the mind and body connection.

The financial hardships of being a single mom led me to decide I needed a way to supplement my income and let me help others in a more relaxing environment.

So, I got my certification in Massage Therapy.

A woman looking out an airplane window.
Allison Masterson with her fists up, frustrated.

Stress Effects Us All

I already knew how stress can affect the body, how none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and that if I could help folks release their bodies from physical and emotional stress, it would have a positive impact on their quality of life.

As my practice evolved, while I was still working full-time at the cancer center, I could see how even my clients had a mind/body disconnect.

They would have the same problems, and yes, some of that was due to their jobs, but even though they knew what they needed to change, like drinking/eating healthy, exercising, stretching, seeing the silver linings, and stopping negative self-talk, they just could not make it happen.

Their self-care was a disorganized goal or an afterthought that never made it on the schedule.

I mean, massage therapy is self-care, so why wasn’t that enough?

I, too, found myself feeling the same way as I was working two jobs, trying to keep up with the demands of having a family, friends, colleagues, and myself at the level I wanted.

The candle only burns so long before it burns out completely.

I had lost my joy, felt unworthy of having boundaries for myself, and was literally on autopilot.

As I pressed down on that gas pedal, I watched all the important parts of my life in the review mirror.

Let me preface all of this by saying that I have been to several counselors, I have taken meds when I needed to, and I have no shame in my game, but I always felt like something was missing. I believe that any help is better than no help, and if it helps, keep at it! If you feel like something is still missing or could be added, then keep on reading!

I started asking the hard questions.

  • Why don’t we just take better care of ourselves?

  • Why, as a caregiver, do my needs have to be last?

  • What does it mean to take care of yourself?

  • How do you stop talking yourself out of doing what you know you need to do to refuel your energy?

So, I did my research.

I tried to find the secret to flip the switch so I could pass through the invisible barrier that was keeping me from fulfilling my potential as a healthy, happy human and helping my clients do the same.

This is when I found Lara Young’s Mindset Coaching Academy.

Going through this accredited certification to become a Certified NLP Mindset Coach and Hypnotherapist was mind-blowing!

I learned valuable skills that dove deeper into the subconscious/unconscious mind where all of our hang-ups hang out.

I not only got to participate as a client but also as a coach and I knew this was the piece of the puzzle that was missing with the mind/body connection.

I knew this would help bridge the gap between owning our worthiness and caring for ourselves.

Allison Masterson pointing her finger with face on.
Allison Masterson standing tall with her hands on hips with black shirt on.

My Life Today with Self-Care by My Side

Through my own experience being coached outside of the Mindset Coaching Academy, I have made big strides in my mindset and have been able to balance my various stress loads with equal or more self-care activities that I enjoy, and no exercise has ever been enjoyable, but it definitely has a purpose, so I embrace it.

Self-care sounds and wholeheartedly feels enjoyable, but maybe we’ve forgotten about it because we've had to do adulting things for so long that we've forgotten the magic that makes life worth hustling for.

My go-to self-care is going for walks in nature, hiking, gardening, painting, collecting cool rocks, taking naps, hitting the driving range, and going on adventures to try something new.

Once you get out of your limited idea about self-care, you will find yourself again.

The problem most folks have is, “How do I accomplish all the adulting and still have time for self-care?”

Well, I have been able to look through my schedule and sprinkle in some self-care where I have dead spots.

And yes, you have dead spots in your schedule, too; you just haven’t looked at it that way yet.

Doing this self-care practice helps me be the present, capable, confident, and happy wife, mom, and business owner I want to be.

Self-care helps me keep my balance in check, my cup full, my outlook positive, my energy vibing high, and my negative thoughts at bay.

It’s true change is always constant, and with every pivot we peel back a new layer of ourselves like an onion (usually a mindset moment).

It is not always an easy, or welcomed process because we are usually fighting against our “safe” comfort zones, wrestling with old ideals, unable to take the self-honoring action steps we know and deserve for our well-being.

I found that while working on my mindset is a constant process accepting change has become easier and less stressful.

I know that I will acquire new skills faster, level up in confidence, and deepen my thought processes as an individual.

I have since then started incorporating hard boundaries around my business, family, and myself so I can still enjoy what I am doing in the moment.

I am certain I can help do the same for you.

Allison Masterson standing under a tent with a sundress and sunglasses on.
Allison Masterson with her hands out and up showing excitement.

Why I Do What I Do

Because I love empowering women and caregivers to reach their full potential, and sometimes that means digging deeper into what is holding you back.

I cringe every time I hear someone say…

  • “I am not good enough.”

  • “I’m fine…”

  • “I can’t…”

  • “I have tried everything…”

  • “I don’t have time…”

  • “I’ll start when my life is less hectic.”

  • “Well, this is just how life is supposed to go.”

  • “It’s safe.”

  • “I can’t justify spending money on myself.”

I know all these excuses are full of bull because I have used these excuses too.

But the truth is that your unconscious-subconscious mind is always listening to you, and it can’t discern between a bear chasing you, or a deadline at work.

Living in fight, flight, and freeze makes for an exhausting life because your body’s limits are the limits your mind sets for you.

And that means not being able to fully, freely enjoy the moments of life that are important to you.

Once I stopped using excuses and self-sabotaging with my internal negative thoughts, and procrastination. I could see the horizon full of opportunities.

Everyone deserves to feel full of life, and one way to keep that flame burning is to incorporate self-care into your daily life.

More importantly, believe you deserve to live your most vibrant life.

I want every woman, caregiver, and nurturer to know wholeheartedly that they can live their most fulfilled life with boundaries while still being able to help others.

It is truly a myth that we must forgo our needs to be helpful.

Being able to help you with the transformation from powerless to empowered, guilt to acceptance, despair to joy, and from hating to loving yourself is such a blessing to witness.

Some Coaching Questions & Answers

  • Once you book your first session, I will send you a greeting email with a summary of how to prepare for your first session, and an intake form to further my preparation of our session.

  • Yes, if you are unable to pay in full, please contact me via email and I will set up a payment plan with you and send you a contract.

  • Although I am sure you will have the transformation you want within 5 sessions if you have not yet reached the desired outcome, I will be happy to continue each session afterwards at half price based on the original agreement and I will amend and send you a new contract.

  • I have an office here in Brownsburg, IN for those of you who are local and prefer In-Person coaching, but for convenience’s sake I also offer Zoom meetings.

    It is up to you, which way is best for you, but I will ask that we do our best to keep our meetings as consistent as possible.

  • Hypnosis itself is like being in a deep meditation state, just like driving to work is so automated you don’t realize how you got to work so fast.

    I use a questionnaire to help me understand what it is you need support with and use your verbiage to help construct the hypnosis.

    The key is to listen to it regularly to help change the thought process of the subconscious mind.

  • Counseling and therapy are designed to remedy the client’s problems.

    The client comes to therapy or counseling because they feel dissatisfied with their life and want relief from psychological and/or physical symptoms.

    They want to get away from pain or discomfort rather than move towards desired goals.

    Therapy/Counseling often seek to understand the past and what went wrong to be in the present.

    Coaching focuses on the present and future. A Coach may work with a client who has a good life but wants the Coach to help them make it better still.

  • We can decide on a longer span in between sessions that may work better for your schedule. However, the results may differ as momentum may be slowed.

  • Not everyone will support your transformation and that is okay. Just show them compassion. They will either grow with you eventually, support you regardless, or fade away. People are always in and out of our lives, a few stay forever but most are only there for a season.

“Goonies Never Say Die”

I have certainly embodied this quote from the movie “The Goonies” because I have accepted any challenge I have encountered.

I have always questioned boundaries and standards, which has helped me become more resilient over time.

Life is not fair, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up, even on yourself.

I live in a household of men — my husband, father-in-law, and now 2 teenage boys/men.

We have 3 doggies — Willy (Maltese), Ave (German/Husky), and Hudson (a true mutt who looks like a kindergarten dog drawing).

Carving out space for yourself in this household means you have to be creative and thank goodness I am not lacking in that department.

When I am not hiding in my secret closet, we all enjoy working on old cars and trucks. I am hopeful about being able to drag race our ‘65 Chevy truck down the track at least once when we get it put together.

Nature is nurturing, so I love being outside camping with family and friends, on my patio in my crocs, in our garden, walking nature trails, and golfing with my dad or my bestie.

Outside is so grounding, clearing, and peaceful, so get outside and breathe it in!

  • I started my High School Girls Golf Team after being challenged by the athletic director.

    Much to Mr. Miller’s surprise, I was able to accomplish all the requirements in less than a month.

    When you have passion behind your cause nothing can get in your way.

  • My second/current marriage was predetermined by my dog Willy.

    Every guy I dated; Willy hated until I brought Dave home.

    They have been inseparable ever since. Willy is our favorite child.

    You never know where your sign will come from so be present.

  • I would love to try Stand-Up Comedy… once I am funny. Ha Ha Ha!

    You can’t grow without challenges, but you don’t have to let it stress you out!

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

— Jordan Belford

Multiple womens hands on tree trunk.

Our Mission

To tailor each session to meet the desired outcomes per each client’s needs — no matter if it is to feel worthy, gain confidence, decrease stress, or improve your quality of life — we are here to support your wellness journey.

Our Values

Without values, there is no value!

  • We believe that you are your best investment.

    So, we hold ourselves to a higher standard so that you are receiving the most outstanding results possible.

    We will continue to learn about modalities for both massage therapy and mindset coaching that will help facilitate your success quickly.

  • We work hard to create an environment that allows you to feel comfortable both physically and emotionally.

    We are not here to cast judgement, but rather to listen, validate, and note positive changes you can take to help aid in your healing journey.

  • We are committed to helping you make the progress you desire whether it is more mobility, less stress, or a healthier way of thinking.

    In order to make the most out of each session be honest with yourself and about your level of commitment because we won’t quit on you.

  • It is nice to be able to give compassionate care to others so let us take care of you for once.

    The mind and body take on so much stress from our outside world and it is our pleasure to let you feel taken care of while we do all the work.

Picture of Turkey Run State Park, IN.

Your Journey Forward Starts with a First Step

If you have made it this far then I congratulate you!

Let’s keep the momentum moving forward by booking an appointment that will server you best, whether it is massage therapy or mindset coaching, your self-care journey is our priority.