Massage Tailored to You: Bodywork

An integrated approach to massage incorporates multiple styles or techniques to treat a range of issues. From Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, MLD Lymphatic, Reki, Reflexology all of these modalities can be used in various areas to customize your massage experience. We can discuss what modalities would be best suited to your needs at your appointment. Don’t forget to select the perfect add ons to complete your total zen package! I’ll see you soon!!

What Our Customers Say


This was the best massage I have ever had!! I have had hundreds of massages and Allison found spots that no one else has ever found. It was incredible! Allison is so sweet and kind, it was relaxing just being around her.


Allison Masterson is the best, every session is geared toward current and active relief. I recommend my friends and family to Masterson Massage, anytime someone is looking for a massage therapist.

Sophia Rassmussen

Allison is always friendly, professional and does an amazing job! This is why I am a repeat customer!

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